So, let's make a list of dog shows we entered in 2021 with Luna (Winterwater Creek's Just a Sweetheart).
4-5-6 June: ReStart CACib Shows Komárom (Hungary)
Because of COVID this year’s first show was in June, where Luna started in open class for the first time
- st day: CAC-CACIB-BOB judge: Judit Beke (H)
- nd day: CAC-CACIB-BOB judge: László Erdős (H)
- nap: rCAC, rCACIB judge: Thomas Slawik (Pl)

31st July - Vienna Spaniel Show, Austria
The exhibition of Vienna Spaniel Club took place in a beautiful location next to Schloss Wolkersdorf in a really hot and tiring summer day. We had to wait a lot for our turn and Luna did not want to run at all in the heat - Well, I could understand her indeed. At least, she enjoyed the well-deserved bathing in the castle-lake after the show. And it was such a pleasure to meet our Austrian friends and Luna's family.
Result: Club CACA judge: Maja Horvat

6-7-8 August - ISTRA Slovenian Summer Dog Shows
We scheduled this year's holidays for the Slovenian ISTRA exhibition and enjoyed so much the seeside. First day the show was held in the evening while it was in the morning the next two days - we were still really hot. But Luna and I finally started to be a happy and experienced team, and the results proved it. And we had great time together with the "Hungarian Spaniel Team” - in fact, this is the best thing in the shows, to be in good company, good atmosphere, having fun and good conversations.
- st day: CAC-CACIB-BOB judge: Robert Bandelj (Sl)
- nd day: CAC-CACIB-BOB judge: Tijana Konrad (SER) – and ISTRA Winner with these two CAC awards
- rd day: CAC-CACIB-BOB judge: Petru Muntean (RO) – and adult Slovenian Champion (Ch.Sh.Slo.)!